Hello, I'm the createor of gatsby-source-hashnode , Gatsby plugin to integate hashnode with gatsby. Recently I'm trying to add tags support to the plugin. While trying to query tags with this GraphQL query ( api.hashnode.com ): { user(username: "USERNAME") { publication { posts { _id cuid tags { name } } } } } I receive null in all the tags : { "data": { "user": { "publication": { "posts": [ { "_id": "12324", "cuid": "123333", "tags": [ { "name": null }, { "name": null }, { "name": null }, { "name": null } ] }, Tried even adding my developer key but only null returns. Querying the direct post with this query however works: { post(slug: "3234", hostname: "asdasd") { tags { name } } }