Image Lightbox

Aliif Arief
please add auto image lightbox feature like medium, so that the images in the article can be zoomed in and seen more easily, like this :

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Image zoom

Deactivated User
When I attach large image or picture I wanna open it in full window mode. Just click and I can see i e. screenshot in details.

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Magnify Images on Click

Phillip Ninan
I was recently referring to a older blog post I wrote. I noticed the images were a little hard to read (or maybe my eyes are just getting blurry lol).

I was able to zoom in using the browser zoom. But I think it would be really useful to just able to click on the image and see a blown-up version of it.
Here is an example from I would prefer to have the image magnified on the same page instead of taking you to a new page. But I think either option would be a BIG improvement.

Merged in a post:
Zooming of images when clicked while reading the blog

Kunal Verma
In technical blogs images play a vital role and in most cases error or output of things is shown in images so unable to open up image on click, images doesn't serve the purpose.
Hence lower the experience of readers.
In some cases screenshots are put in the blogs on which content is not visible directly. While zooming on click will solve the problem.


Thanks for the feedback, I agree that this is something we should add, will have a chat with the dev team to see when we’ll be able to fix this. We have some exiting things in the works that we hope you will enjoy!

Damien Collot
much much needed feature !